To create a Kiosk user:
1. Log in to Salesforce as an Administrator and click the "New" button on the TT Users tab.
2. Enter the user details on the user screen. Fields marked with a red asterisk and Email ID are mandatory, while other fields are optional.
3. In the "Clock in Multiple Users" field, select "All," and in the "User Type" field, choose "Kiosk."
4. Click the "Save" button.
Once the TimeTracker Kiosk User is created, upon logging into the TimeTracker application, they will see a list of all TimeTracker Users in your Org with "Clock-In" and "Check-In" buttons.
Ensure that the user follows these steps accurately for successful creation and utilization of the TimeTracker Kiosk User.

- Make sure you assign a license to the TimeTracker user by following the instructions here.
- When the Kiosk User logs into the TimeTracker app, she will only see the names of TimeTracker Users created within your Org.
- Only the Kiosk user should log in to the TimeTracker app; all other users should utilize the same device for Clocking-In and Checking-In.
- The TimeTracker User designated as "Allow Individual Use, not Team Use" only has the option to Check-In and Check-Out for Jobs/Projects on a Kiosk.
- The TimeTracker User configured as "Allow Personal Check-In, in Team Mode" has the option to Clock-In/Out and Check-In/Out for Jobs/Projects on a Kiosk.
Ensure that users adhere to these guidelines for efficient use of the TimeTracker app on the Kiosk.