To allow the PK4 TimeTracker application to access data from Salesforce, you need to "Authorize" the TimeTracker. By default, the Salesforce oAuth process authorizes apps to your production organization.

To authorize the PK4 TimeTracker app in your Sandbox org
  • Click Setup (using the same Salesforce ID where you have downloaded the PK4 TimeTracker app)
  • Search for Manage Connected Apps
  • Click on TimeTracker oAuth-Manage App Policies
  • Click on the Edit Policies button
  • Replace "Start Url" with ""
  • Save it
  • Reload the page and click the TimeTracker oAuth from the dropdown
  • oAuth is now processed in your Sandbox

If the screen is redirected to the Login page, please replace the Salesforce login URL from "Login" with "Test" (as below) and enter the Sandbox ID and PW to log in to Salesforce Sandbox

Note: oAuth expires very frequently in the Sandbox org, sometimes the oAuth is active for less than 8 hours which is a known issue in Salesforce Sandbox org.

You should process the oAuth again if you see the message "Token has expired" or "org License expired" when you try to log in to the TimeTracker app. Click here to know more about processing the oAuth.

Note: The oAuth is active for a year or until you revoke it in the Production org.

Also, please make sure that your Email Deliverability option is set to All Email. By default, the Sandbox Email Deliverability option is set to System Mail only.

Make sure that you have logged out of all other Salesforce IDs on the Desktop/Laptop and logged in only to the Sandbox org for processing the oAuth. Otherwise, we are not sure to which ID the oAuth is processed and the application may not work properly.

You should also enable API when you have installed the V4S Mobile application in your Sandbox org. Click here to know more about enabling API in your Sandbox.

You should enable Email to Salesforce, Click here for more information.