Hours worked more than the regular hours by the user are Overtime and Double Time Hours.

The default Regular, Overtime, and Double Time Hours calculated in the PK4 TimeTracker application are

  • 0 to 8 hours are considered as regular Hours
  • 8 to 12 hours are considered Overtime Hours
  • 12 + hours are considered as Doubletime Hours

If you are following the same calculations in your org to calculate the Overtime and Doubletime Hours for the PK4 TimeTracker users. Please enable the scheduler for creating headers in your org by following the instructions here.

Once the header scheduler is enabled in your org, you see the Regular hours, Overtime hours and the doubletime hours details in the TT Header screen.

You can also create reports or views in Salesforce by including the Checked-In Hours, Regular Hours, Overtime Hours and Double Time Hours fields in the view or in the report.

If you are using a different way for calculating the Overtime and Double Time hours for the users in your org.

  • Create custom fields in Salesforce for Overtime and Double Time Hours in TT Header object
  • Write Process builder/trigger for calculating the Overtime and Double Time hours
  • Enable the Header scheduler in your org by following the instructions here
  • Then remove the default Overtime Hours and Double Time Hours fields from the TT Headers view. And dd the custom fields that you created in your org for calculating the Overtime and Double Time hours in the Headers view page or in the Reports. To see the user's Overtime Hours and Double Time Hours.