The Unsubmit button is used for Unsubmitting multiple time records for approvals.
The Submit button is used to Submit multiple time records for Approvals.
To Unsubmit multiple time records/details for Approvals
- Go to the My Time tab
- Select the time details that you want to Unsubmit for Approvals by clicking the Check-box that is at the beginning of each row,
- Click the Unsubmit button.
- Now the Approval Status is changed from "Pending Approval" to "Unsubmitted",
- The Manager will not see the time details in the Pending Approval tab that you marked as Unsubmit.
To Submit multiple time details for Approvals
- Go to the My Time tab
- Select the time details that you want to Submit for Approvals by clicking the Check-box that is at the beginning of each row,
- Click the Submit button,
- Now the time details that you selected for Submitting, are Submitted for Approval.
- The Manager will see the time details in the Pending tab for approvals.