You see a difference in the Check-In and Check-Out time for some users in the TT details object is because the TimeTracker user TimeZone is different from the Salesforce Administrator's timezone.

The below example explains more about how the timezone works 

  • e.g: Imagine your Head office is in California and a Branch in India.

    PK4 TimeTracker User Checks-In/Out for a Job on the PK4 TimeTracker app in India using Indian Standard Timezone.
    • The Manager in California checks the reports or the time details and sees the Check-In/Out time converted to PST/PDT timezone and shown in Salesforce.
    • The time details in Salesforce are converted to PST/PDT because the timezone in Salesforce is set to PST/PDT.

The Timezone in Salesforce

Important Things that you should know about the time zones

  • The time that shows in the TT details depends upon the Timezone set up by the Salesforce Administrator. And is not related to the timezone of the TimeTracker Web user or the TimeTracker mobile user.
  • Please set your org's timezone according to the time zone that you want to see in the TT details tab.
  • You can change the org timezone of the Salesforce Administrators by following the instructions here,
  • The TimeTracker Web and the TimeTracker Mobile apps will drive the timezone from the API user (oAuth user) and show it in the TT Details tab.