Known issues in PK4 TimeTracker

Why are some images not saved in Salesforce?
This is a known issue in the PK4 TimeTracker application. The photos that are clicked when on offline for the Check-In/Out are not saved. The current buil...
Fri, 14 Apr, 2023 at 5:04 PM
Why do I see multiple messages on the same assignment in the PK4 TimeTracker mobile app?
This is a known issue in the PK4 TimeTracker application. If you are using Project Assignments for tracking time in your org and the notifications are e...
Wed, 5 Apr, 2023 at 5:12 PM
Text not clearing in the additional fields on the Expenses screen.
On the TimeTracker mobile app, the details added in the additional fields of Expenses like Vendor Name, Vendor City, Vendor State, etc., are getting submitt...
Wed, 5 Apr, 2023 at 5:31 PM
Why do I see the comments entered from my previous PTO on the PTO request screen?
If you request for a PTO by entering the Out Of Office (OOO) details and submitting it for approval, the PTO is submitted for approval. If you are still...
Wed, 5 Apr, 2023 at 5:35 PM
Why do I see an message as System error or Network error on the TimeTracker login screen, and not able to login to the app?
This is a known issue in the TimeTracker application, sometimes if the network is slow you see the message as "Network issue" or "System Erro...
Wed, 20 Apr, 2022 at 1:21 PM