All the changes that you want to make related to the V4S Personal or in the V4S Kiosk application should be configured using the V4S Mobile configurations.
To make the config changes,
- Log in to Salesforce as Administrator
- Go to the VFS Apps
- Click on the name of the App Key for making the changes,
- Click the Config button, and make the configuration changes
You see the tabs as below for making the configuration changes
- General
- V4S Kiosk
- V4S Personal
- V4S Roster
- More
Here is what you can configure using the V4S Mobile configuration screen
General: Using the General screen, you can enable or disable the Check-In button for the volunteers to Check-In to the Shift before or after the Shift start time.
- If you set the time in the "Allow volunteer check-in after minutes" it allows the volunteer to Check-in to the Shift after the Shift start time.
i.e., if the Shift starts at 8.00 a.m. and the time is set as 30 in the "Allow Volunteer Checkin after minutes", then the volunteer can Check-In to 8.00 a.m. Shift at 8.30 a.m.
- If the "Allow Volunteer Checkin before minutes is set to 30 then the volunteer sees the Check-in button at 7.30 a.m. for the 8.00 a.m. Shift.
- If the time is not set in the General setup config screen, then the volunteers see the Check-In button for the Shift the whole day. i.e., the volunteer can signup and Check-In for the 8.00 a.m. shift any time in the day.

V4S Kiosk: To set up the configurations related to the V4S Kiosk application
General tab for V4S Kiosk:
- To set up the filters for Jobs/Shifts,
- Setup the default volunteer status when they signup for a Job/Shift
- Add/Remove contact additional fields that are shown on the signed up volunteers on the V4S Kiosk application for a Job/Shift
- Enable/Disable the Signup or Check-In button for the volunteers after searching their names for the Signups.
Obfuscate: To obfuscate the contact/volunteer fields that show up in the Signed up volunteer list
Display Attendees List | Define if Attendee List must be displayed. If this field is not selected, you will not see the Attendees Today screen listed |
Unique Contact identification | Define which field on the Contact must be used to identify a Contact. Include only a single field such as Email ID or Phone |
Display Contact fields on long-form | Define the fields to be displayed on the Add single Attendee screen. These fields are from the Contact object. There is no limit on the number of fields. But we suggest that you keep the number of fields to a reasonable number so that Attendee data can be updated quickly |
Display Attendee fields on long-form | Define the fields to be displayed on the Add single Attendee screen. These fields are from the Attendee object. There is no limit on the number of fields. But we suggest that you keep the number of fields to a reasonable number so that Attendee data can be updated quickly |
Display Contact fields on short form | Define the fields to be displayed on the Add multiple Attendee screen. These fields are from the Contact object. There is no limit on the number of fields. But we suggest that you keep the number of fields within 3-4 fields. If not, your screen will look untidy and it could take too long to add attendee data. |
Display Additional Attendee fields | Define the additional fields that you want to display on the Attendee tile. These fields are from the Attendee object. We suggest that you limit these fields to 2-4 fields for better readability. |
Display additional related fields | Define any related additional details about the Attendee. You need to choose the related object and the fields that you want to display from that object. Again, please limit these fields to 2-4 fields. |
Attendee List filter | Specify any filter conditions to use to list the Attendees for the Event. This filter should be in SOQL where clause format. |
Attendee Search filter | Not supported yet |
Allow check-in into any Shift | Allow Attendee check-in to any available shift. If you want attendees to only be added to Shifts where you have added at least one Attendee from within Salesforce, keep this flag unchecked. If this flag is checked, then all Attendees can be signed up from the field. But this means that Attendees can be added to any available Shift. |
Display Events List | Define if the Event List must be displayed. If this field is not selected, you will not see the Event Today screen listed |
Attendees fields | Not supported yet |
Attendees-related object fields | Not supported yet |
Display Shift Additional fields | Display additional fields from the Shift on the Events Today screen |
Display shift-related object fields | Display additional fields from Shift-related objects on the Events Today screen |
Display Attendee fields on scan | Define the fields that you want to display on the pop-up that appears on a successful scan. These fields must be from the Attendee object |
Display related fields on scan | Define any Attendee-related fields that you want to display on the pop-up that appears on a successful scan. These fields must be from any Attendee related object |
Filter for Events to be displayed | Define the filter conditions under which Events are to be displayed. By default, any Shift that has at least one Attendee will be displayed as an Event. An Attendee could be in Confirmed / Unconfirmed /Walkin Status, by default. You can change this using the SOQL where clause format. |
Display Contact fields | The fields here are displayed on the Volunteers Today page. Define any fields that you want to display from the Contact object. |
Display Job fields | Display any fields that you want from the Jobs object. These fields will be displayed on the Volunteers Today page. |
Display Shift fields | Display any fields that you want from the Shifts object. These fields will be displayed on the Volunteers Today page. |
Display Volunteer Hours fields | Display any fields that you want from the Volunteer Hours object. These fields will be displayed on the Volunteers Today page. |
Display Volunteer Hours related fields | Display any fields that you want from objects related to the Volunteer Hours object. These fields will be displayed on the Volunteers Today page. |
Filter for Volunteers | Define any filter conditions to display the volunteers on the Volunteers Today list. By default, the list shows all Volunteers for Jobs and Shifts today with a Status of Confirmed / Prospect /Web Sign-up on the Volunteer Hours record. |
Display Members List | Define if the Members list must be displayed on the mobile app |
Display Member fields | Display any fields that you want to show from the Member object. |
Display additional related fields | Display additional fields from objects related to Members. |
Display Job fields | Display any additional fields from the Job object. |
Display Job-related fields | Display any additional fields from objects related to Jobs |
Display Shift fields | Display any additional fields from the Shift object. |
Display shift-related fields | Display any additional fields from objects related to Shifts |
Display additional fields for Adults | Display any additional fields from the Accompanying Adult's Contact record |
Display Mandatory fields for Adult | Display any mandatory fields about the Accompanying Adult |
Filter for Members list | Define any filter conditions to display the Members list. By default, the list shows all Members signed up for Shifts today. |
Mandatory Accompanying Adult | This field defines if an accompanying adult MUST be selected for Drop off and PIck up. If this field is not selected, only a list of Accompanying adults is displayed. |
Contact Scan:
Fields to Display from Contact on Scan | You can add the fields from the Salesforce Contact object, the fields that you add here shows up on the Contact Scan screen when you search for a Contact to Check them in |
Fields to Display on Scan from Contact related objects | You can add the fields from the Salesforce Contact object. The fields that are added in this section shows up on the device when a contact QR code is scanned for Check-Ins |
Filter for Scan Contact. | You can add any filters in this section i.e., allow check-in for active contacts, etc., |
Fields to Display from Contact on Search. | Add fields from Salesforce contacts, so those details show up on the device when a contact is searched on the device for Check-In/Outa contact is se |
Fields to Display on Search from Contact related objects | |
Filter for Search Contact. | |