Timesheets are the details of the time recorded by users in the organization. As an Approver, you can approve the timesheets of the users who report to you.
- The pending tab displays the time entries of the users who report to you.
- You should review the time entries and approve the details using the Approve button.
- Click the Reject button to reject the time details.
- The approved time details are shown in the Approved tab, and the rejected time details are shown in the Rejected tab. More information here about approving Time Sheets
- Rejected tab shows the TT details that are rejected by you
- The time details can be rejected due to
- Wrong data entered
- If the wrong project is selected
- Wrong Check-In/Out time etc.,
- The time details approved by you are displayed under the Approved tab.
Note: By default, the pending tab shows the data of the current week, you can change the date using the From and To date fields on the Approvals screen for approvals.