PK4 TimeTracker - Web app

Knowledge base articles for working with the Time Tracker web app

How do I approve Time Sheets in the TimeTracker web app?
Only the TT Users configured as Approvers and serving as the Reporting Managers for other users will have visibility into the Time Sheets of the individuals...
Thu, 4 Jan, 2024 at 12:37 PM
What is the TimeTracker web app and what are its uses of the Web app?
The TimeTracker Web app allows you to log in from your desktop/laptop to track time for various jobs. Here's a breakdown of key functionalities: ...
Thu, 4 Jan, 2024 at 12:46 PM
How do I Check-In to a Job from the PK4 TimeTracker Web app?
You need an App Key, Employee ID, and a Password to log in to the PK4 TimeTracker Web app.  Log in to the PK4 TimeTracker web app using the link below  ...
Thu, 4 Jan, 2024 at 12:50 PM
PK4 TimeTracker web application
You can track time using the PK4 TimeTracker web app. The Salesforce administrator creates a user ID for you, and you receive an email with the AppKey, Emp...
Fri, 22 Mar, 2024 at 4:36 PM
How do I create a user ID for PK4 TimeTracker web users?
To log in to the TimeTracker Web app, the user needs an App Key, Employee ID, and a Password. If you want the user to track time for both Clock-In/Check-In,...
Tue, 9 Jul, 2024 at 1:17 PM
Who is an Approver and how to use the TimeTracker web app?
An Approver is a user/manager responsible for approving or rejecting the timesheets submitted by individuals reporting to them. To approve timesheets, plea...
Thu, 4 Jan, 2024 at 1:43 PM
What are approved and pending tabs in the Web app?
Timesheets are the details of the time recorded by users in the organization. As an Approver, you can approve the timesheets of the users who report to you....
Thu, 4 Jan, 2024 at 1:51 PM
How do I add additional fields in the PK4 TimeTracker web app?
The Salesforce administrator at the org can add/remove additional fields to the PK4 TimeTracker application for Check-In/Out. To add the additional fiel...
Tue, 20 Dec, 2022 at 11:30 AM
How do I set the auto Check-Outs for the TimeTracker users, who tracks time in Salesforce?
To set the auto Check-Out functionality for the TT Users in the org,  Go to the TT Apps tab in Salesforce, Click on the app name that the user is link...
Thu, 4 Jan, 2024 at 3:56 PM
What if a TimeTracker user has forgotten to Check out of a Job. Will she be able to Checkout later?
Yes, the TimeTracker User can Check-out of the Job/Project if they have not checked out when they finished the Job. There is an option to select the check-...
Thu, 4 Jan, 2024 at 4:37 PM