The Salesforce administrator at the org can add/remove additional fields to the PK4 TimeTracker application for Check-In/Out.
To add the additional fields in the TT app for Check-In/Out
- Log in to Salesforce as administrator and go to the TT apps tab,
- Search for the App Key from the All view, (the App Key that is used by the TT User to log in to the TT application)
- Click on the Name of the selected App Key
- Click the Config button on the App view screen
- Click on the Check-In tab and go to the Additional fields sub-tab
- Give a name in the additional fields tab name section,
- Select the relevant field from the additional fields list
- You can add up to 5 additional fields for Check-In and 5 additional fields for Check-Out
- Mark the field as required if you want it as a mandatory field and click the save button to save the changes.
Now, ask the TT Users to log out and re-login to the TT app on the device if they have logged in already. The additional fields added on the config screen are shown on the device now for tracking time.