PK4 TimeTracker in Salesforce

The knowledge base of articles dealing with the TimeTracker inside Salesforce

How do I setup a Vacation Delegate?
The delegate should be added as a Vacation Delegate to the Reporting Manager. This way, whenever the Reporting Manager is on vacation, the Vacation Delegate...
Fri, 12 May, 2023 at 4:41 PM
How do Delegates approve or reject time details?
There are two types of delegates:  a Permanent Delegate and a Vacation Delegate. Permanent Delegate: A permanent delegate to a Manager will always have...
Thu, 27 Apr, 2023 at 1:38 PM
How do I enter the time details worked on the same Project on multiple days?
Entering Time Using the Weekly Tab If you work on the same project and task on multiple days, you can use the Weekly tab to efficiently enter your time....
Thu, 26 Sep, 2024 at 5:10 PM
How do I add time entries if I work on the same projects every week?
If you consistently work on the same project and tasks, the Weekly tab can help streamline your time entry process. This tab allows you to select the projec...
Thu, 13 Feb, 2025 at 4:47 PM
How do I know my total hours of a day or a week?
You see your total hours by day and the week in the weekly tab Go to Multiline Time Entry tab and click the Weekly sub-tab, The Weekly tab allows you ...
Fri, 23 Sep, 2022 at 6:09 PM
Is there a way to add the materials used on a Project? What if I have more than 10 materials to add?
We introduced the TT Materials object and the Quantity field in the TimeTracker application. The users can now enter the materials that they carry to th...
Fri, 18 Nov, 2022 at 3:54 PM
How do I add the time details that I worked over the weekend?
To enter the time for the weekends, Click the "Include Weekends" check box that is on the right-hand side of the screen. You see the column ge...
Mon, 26 Sep, 2022 at 4:20 PM
Where do I see the Material and Quantity details that I entered?
When you enter the time details and the Material with Quantity, two records get created in Salesforce. As TT Details and Materials are different objects. ...
Mon, 26 Sep, 2022 at 6:05 PM
Where do I see the total hours I entered for a week?
You see the total hours entered by you in the Weekly sub-tab. You can view the total hours worked in a day and a week in the Weekly sub-tab. Go to the ...
Tue, 11 Oct, 2022 at 5:50 PM
How do I add the Utility bar Time Tracking object to other apps?
To add the Utility bar Time Tracking object to other apps, From Salesforce Admin ID, click the Setup icon Search for App Manager in the quick find box...
Mon, 12 Dec, 2022 at 4:48 PM